Hot off the press, I am extremely chuffed to announce that I have had an article published in The Parliamentary Review. This really is a terrific honour, and I think it came about as a result of a recommendation from our local MP, Theresa Villiers. I then received a very nice letter from Lord Pickles. You will see that the foreword was written by The Prime Minister and the opening message by Lord Pickles and Lord Blunkett.

On reading the full publication, I found it interesting that most of the articles were singing from the same hymn sheet. Technology is extremely helpful in running and growing a business, and also minimising clunky bureaucracy !
The Parliamentary Review – Stuart Harris Associates
The Parliamentary Review – Website
To read the full electronic publication : click on Current Publications -> Financial Services -> Specialist Financial Services. I would definitely recommend this as there are some very interesting articles.The other publications are also very good.

The photos were taken at the Gala Event on 21 March 2019. That’s me (Stuart – The Friendly Accountant) and my wife (Romaine – The Friendly Schoolteacher). Friendliness runs in the family ! All of the speakers were terrific – very funny and very insightful.